Companies in the group

The owner and sole shareholder of the group EP Rožnov, a.s. became the company ČEZ ESCO, a.s. from 15.7.2021

ČEZ ESCO (Energy Service Company) provides comprehensive solutions to energy needs, including energy optimization and energy supply.

Connection of the EP Rožnov, a.s. and ČEZ ESCO, a.s. expands the customer portfolio and the range of services for our customers.

EPIGON spol. s r.o.

It manufactures, supplies and assembles products for cleanrooms suitable for use in the electrotechnical and automotive industries, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, food, optics, fine mechanics, etc.

Tvarůžkova 2740, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm | +420 571 655 171

Elektroprojekta Slovakia, s.r.o.

Advisory, consulting, intermediary activities within the scope of the business of EP Rožnov, a.s., in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Vajanského 58, 921 01 Piešťany, SLOVAKIA | +421 337 740 686


Complete deliveries and assembly of technological pipelines distributions for the electrotechnical, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, healthcare, manually or orbitally automatically welded, including coaxial design.

Tvarůžkova 2740, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm | +420 571 620 385
