Palacký University Olomouc

Modernization of physics laboratories of the Faculty of Science at Palacký University Olomouc – Envelopa

Building realisation: 09/2018 – 05/2019

The subject of the project documentation and building realisation was the reconstruction of laboratories on the 4th floor of the existing building of the Faculty of Science.

The laboratories and their technical facilities are used as laboratories for quantum optics and applied physics, the Nanotechnology study program, as well as laboratories for lasers, holography, and spectroscopy.

The main requirement of the client was to maintain the microclimate and purity level of the internal environment of optical laboratories to ensure the operation of unique scientific instruments and sensitive laboratory equipment for research on nanomaterials and other materials. In particular, the client had requirements for a stable temperature, low air flow velocity, humidity, vibration, noise, and the purity level of the environment.

Three laboratories are equipped with special optical tables on pneumatic anti-vibration legs. These anti-vibration legs are placed on the floor blocks which are separated by dilation from the building construction. The floor blocks for optical tables are also acoustically insulated.
